Tag Archives: birthday fun

Birthday Shenanigans

So, next Saturday is my birthday and before anyone can make a 4th of July joke, stop! I’ve heard them already. I don’t like fireworks. It only takes on incident at the age of seven to scar you forever. My mom thought it would be a GREAT idea to put seven sparklers on my cake instead of candles. You can’t blow sparklers out and everyone thought it was hilarious to watch me try by huffing in breath after breath. An emergency room trip later for toxic fumes inhalation, no one really thought it was a good idea anymore.

Anyway. I don’t want them for my birthday celebration, and there will be a celebration. Most people have a hard time with their birthday, especially after the age of 30. Me? I don’t care. There are presents involved and I love presents. I’m also a giant child so I have fun birthdays, even if it is just Ross and I. Last year, we had a pretty princess birthday party with a scavenger hunt for my presents. I know this picture sucks (because I take horrible pictures) but you get the idea…

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Two years ago, it was a pirate birthday…


You see a theme going on here.


So, with a little over a week away, Ross has some high standards to live up to.

What will the birthday celebration theme be?

Stay tuned…