Tag Archives: #TreatYoSelf

Countdown to Treat. Yo. Self.

If you aren’t already aware – and I don’t know why you wouldn’t be – my BIRTHDAY is in two weeks. Did you hear that…TWO WEEKS. This is important information because I love my birthday. More than any grown up really should.

Yes, I will be 41. I don’t care. It’s my birthday. There will be cake/cupcakes – which I will eat. There will be presents. And most importantly, there will be Treat Yo Self Day.

Ross and I do this every year for my birthday. This usually involves a lot of eating out, some shopping, maybe and movie – I don’t know – and general shenanigans. Don’t worry, I make sure to include all of you in my shenaniganry each year with the hashtag #treatyoself

Last year we went to the Vegas for the whole week. I’ll be honest, that one is going to be hard to beat but we’ll give it a go.

You can follow all our antics on instagram, twitter, and facebook. You can follow the #treatyoself to keep up.

Vacation Prep Stress

I leave for Vegas on Monday and I have nothing ready. I haven’t packed anything. I haven’t washed anything. Hell, I still need to buy stuff for myself, Ross, Scarlett, and the cat just to get through the week. I’m in trouble. I can already see this mad dash on Sunday night to get everything ready.

I don’t know what books I’m going to take or if I even want to take them. This is a conundrum for me. I should take my laptop and write. The question becomes, will I be more stressed out because I’m working or because I’m not. This is how my sick mind works.

Here’s my list:

  1. new flip flops
  2. new bathing suit
  3. new clothes (because nothing fits)
  4. cat food (because we don’t have any and a cat needs to eat…apparently)
  5. Yogurt for Scarlett. You can’t imagine that child in the morning without her yogurt. It turns into an international incident.
  6. travel soap
  7. new underwear and bra (not specifically for the vacation but because, you know, I wear it every day)
  8. new sandals that are comfortable to walk in
  9. water wings or floaties or whatever the hell you want to call them for Scarlett

These are not small things. I should have gotten some of these things a month ago but when did I have the time? Never, that’s when. That’s why all of this shit is waiting until the last minute.

In the mean time, I’m low grade stressing and waiting for the weekend. #Adultingishard

Don’t forget to follow my exploits next week on the hashtag #TreatYoSelf


Countdown to #TreatYoSelf

It’s that time again. It’s my BIRTHDAY!

I’m going to be 40 and could give two shits about the number. It’s my birthday and that means presents. I love presents. I mean, I. LOVE. PRESENTS.

Every year, Ross and I have a day where we #TreatYoSelf. We buy things we want that are frivolous. We eat amazing food like it’s going out of style. We basically have a day of fantastic.

This year is a big one so it was go big or go home. We’re going BIG! There will be an entire week of #TreatYoSelf. We’re going to Vegas Baby!

If you want to see our #TreatYoSelf week,  you can follow me on twitter (@Suzannemsabol) or on facebook at SuzanneMSabol/Author. All the juicy tidbits will be there.

Let the countdown begin!