Tag Archives: HBOMax


Let’s talk about Selena+Chef for a moment.

Its not a great show. Its not a bad show. Its just a lovely show. Ross and I watch it when we have nothing going on and need a little something to tide us over between episodes of Young Justice or whatever else we’re binging through at the moment.

Selena Gomez started this during lockdown, looking for something to do and a way to give back which is commendable. Listen, she gives money to charities with each episode-chef’s choice-and found a way to add a revenue stream from her house when everything else was shut down. Way to go, Selena!

When we first started watching this, I knew who Selena Gomez was, but I didn’t listen to her music or watch anything she was in before. After watching her though, I would say I am a fan. Not of her songs or her shows but just of her. Throughout the course of the three seasons, I’ve watched her almost cut off her finger. . .multiple times; catch parchment paper on fine; start a grease fire; blend without the lid; break a jar of olives by pressing too hard; burn some shit. There are probably more things that I’m forgetting but those are the highlights of the things I’ve watched her mess up. But we’ve all done those things.

I’ve also watched her learn what Mise en Place means-which had been said and explained to her many times over the course of the first season. She got it by season two.

I watched her learn how to use a knife. There were a few times I was scared for her fingers but over the episodes, she learned how to use a knife properly and which knives to use.

I’ve watched her learn and become more comfortable in the kitchen and with herself in the kitchen.

To be honest, I’m kinda proud of Selena.

Then there’s Raquel.

Raquel is her. . .friend? Part of her entourage? Honestly, I don’t know. She lives in Selena’s house, I don’t know that she has a job other than being Selena Gomez’s friend. She feels the need to be present for every show. Say something all-the-fucking-time. And generally include herself in the interview process which just seems weird. I find her incredibly annoying. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve screamed, “Shut up, Raquel!” the the TV. Is there a place I can write an angry letter to get Raquel removed? All her other friends are fine. Raquel just really gets under my skin.

Anyway, I’m excited for season four. You can watch Selena+Chef on HBOMax.

Putting a Toe back in the Water

I’ve been away for a while now. Let’s be honest, COVID (still with us, unfortunately) put a real damper on everyone’s activities. I have done NOTHING for the past 18 months. Although, this is probabaly not news to any of you. Because all of you did the same thing.

Couple of things that I learned from Covid:

  1. I don’t like getting up and going to work, especially if I can do the same job from the comfort of my own home
  2. Hard pants are stupid. This is in direct reaction to the above.
  3. If I didn’t ever have to go to a movie theatre again, I wouldn’t. I would much rather stream it. I’ll pay the extra to do so too.
  4. When you start taking more pictures of your cats than your kid, you probably need to get out more
  5. Vacationing anywhere now is frightening as fuck because people are stupid
  6. I need a wider variety of restaurant options in my neighborhood. I don’t mind chain restaurants but I don’t want that to be my only option.
  7. Maskne is real, and I don’t like it
  8. When left to my own devices at home, I will drink an entire pot of coffee
  9. Damian Wayne (aka Batman‘s son) might be the best character ever created. Thanks HBOMax for dumping a shit-ton of DC cartoons in your streaming service because the continued enjoyment I get from this bloodthirsty little shit is amazing.

Right now, that about covers it.

Look for more regular postings . . . I promise.