Tag Archives: dine and dash

Stuck With No Way to Pay

On Saturday, Scarlett and I went to breakfast. We usually go to breakfast on a weekend morning, just her and me. This time we went to Mimi’s Cafe at Polaris. This may seem ridiculous to say about a breakfast with a three and a half year old but we had a lovely time. We colored. We chatted. We ate all of our breakfast without prompting – and this is a big one. Then I was getting ready to pay the check.

This has never happened to me. EVER.

I didn’t have my wallet.

In a rush to get out the door and corral her, while switching my stuff from my work bag to my toddler bag – aka the bag with her collapsable toilet seat in it – I’d forgotten to put my wallet in the bag. Just as an aside, if you have toddlers and don’t have one of these things, you’re crazy. This toilet seat will change your life.

Anyway, I was about to have a panic attack. There wasn’t anyone I could call. Ross was at work and even though he butt dials me about four times a day, the odds of him actually answering an incoming call are slim to none. He legit butt dials me multiple times a day and he even has a code to unlock his phone. I have no idea how, but it happens. I get these two and a half minute voicemails of him talking to someone else. They used to be funny, now it’s just annoying.

So, here I was sitting at the table, having already eaten my breakfast, and freaking the fuck out. The woman came to my table and I explained the situation. She looked at me with not even a frown of skepticism or a raised eyebrow. I told her I would be back in 20 minutes and she said it was fine. The whole way back to my house, I was bookin’ it by the way, I was thinking about how that woman didn’t even blink an eye. Either she’d been in that situation herself or it wasn’t the first time someone had told her that.

I’d just like to say that I made it back to the restaurant in 19 minutes. I might have been speeding. The hostess laughed at me when I told her what I was doing. She said, “Did you dine and dash on us?” with a laugh and something about it made me feel less stressed and embarrassed about the whole thing. Our original waitress didn’t seem surprised to see me. In fact, she said I wasn’t worried. I knew you’d be back. I asked her if it had been the mild panic I’d been in and she just smiled at me. She didn’t give me shit and was very nice for the situation I found myself in. The bill was $19 and I didn’t feel the least bit back matching that for a tip. She deserved every bit of it. So thank you, who ever you are. I appreciate it.