Tag Archives: dates

Fake Anniversary

This is what happens when you’re not the romantic type. I’ve never been one to really track dates. Evidently, neither is Ross. I remember our first date. I do. We went to a Chris Rock show and I waited in line for like an hour to get those tickets. I mean they were free so, I can’t complain that much. Then, I totally lied to him and said that I couldn’t find anyone to go with me and would he be interested.

That’s right, our relationship is based on lies.

So, anyway. By the time we got six months into this thing, neither one of us could remember. I think it was the 19th but that’s Ross’s birthday and he said he’d remember. Okay, whatever. In order to get around this technical snafu, we made up a date. So, every year on February 25th, we celebrate our fake anniversary.

This date thing with Ross and I gets even worse. Neither one of us can remember the date we got married. For some reason he thinks it was in November.

I personally can’t remember if it was October 6, 2007 or October 7, 2006. Thank God we have it written down somewhere or we’d be celebrating our 12th or 13th wedding anniversary and no would would be sure. That just makes the cake decorations really really long. Congratulations on your 12th or 13th Wedding Anniversary!