Tag Archives: child rearing

Dr. Seuss Syndrome

I have a daughter. Ins’t she cute??? If you disagree, keep that to yourself. Anyway…



She’s almost two now and we read a lot of books. A LOT. All of them, at this age, are structured the same way, rhyming couplets. This is what happens when you’re bored, trying to write, and can’t get Dr. Seuss out of your head…

On a winding lane, beneath a shady tree

Lived a little girl, no more than three.

She played and sang for all to hear

Even the animals came out to cheer.

They called her name and asked to play

Scarlett, please, come make our day

One such morning, the sun bright and shining

A squirrel ran by, and set to climbing.

Hey you, he called, his voice so rough

I bet you can’t climb this tree, it’s tough

Can too, she cried, rising to her feet

She brushed her hands on her legs and seat

With each branch she rose higher and higher

Until her situation became quite dyer.

Through leaves and branch, she climbed too high

That she couldn’t scream for help, just sigh

She clutched the trunk and squeezed on tight

Thinking how to make things right.

Ha ha, the squirrel laughed, you can’t get down

Scarlett thought he might be the worst squirrel in town

Can too, she cried, more bluff than bluster

Even if the height made her quite flustered

I can do it, she said, I can do it, I can

But from the branch to the ground was a very big span

A bird chirped beside her, her voice loud and clear

Don’t listen to him Scarlett, there’s nothing to fear

She took one deep breath and then two,

Soon she was calm and ready to try something new.

She followed the bird down one branch to another

Thinking only to get back to her mother.

Soon she was very close to the ground

And the bird chirped and cooed as it floated around.

Hopping down to the ground, Scarlett squealed and she jumped

I did it, she said, without hurting her rump

the squirrel hopped and he jumped through the tops of the trees

Leaving the neighborhood as quick as you please

The birds flew away, going back to their nests

Reminding Scarlett she was due home for a rest

Back up to the house, she ran through the yard

She didn’t know climbing a tree would be hard

But she’d learned a lesson today, in fact, more than one

Climbing trees could be dangerous, no matter how fun

But also she was strong and had a mind of her own

That her decisions were hers to shape and to hone

And no matter how scared one little girl could be

Fear could be fought with not two breaths but three