Tag Archives: Alexis Hall

Book Hangovers

I’m currently suffering from a book hangover.

If you don’t know what that is, you’ve probably experienced it but didn’t have the words to describe it. This is when you’ve read a book that is so amazing to you that you can’t seem to leave it behind. Days later, your brain is still digging into your favorite bits and the characters are rooting around in your head to stake a permanent place.

I just went back in to Alexis Hall‘s London Calling series that consists of Boyfriend Material and Husband Material. I’ve read them before but they’re so wonderfully delightful, fun, and gut wrenching that sometimes I just get a niggling desire to go back in to revisit Luc and Oliver’s world. Everytime it leaves me in this state of book handover.

There’s just so much that I love about these books.

  1. How wonderfully broken Luc and Oliver are in their own ways.
  2. Their growth and understanding of each other
  3. How the friend groups give each other shit like real friends do.
  4. Luc’s office and coworkers and the asides that happen on the regular in this book
  5. The amount of times Luc says fuck . . . clearly a kindred spirit of mine. I feel seen.
  6. The exasperation Oliver experiences at Luc’s shenanigans . . . again, I feel seen

I kinda want to start all over again and read/listen to them again but I have a TBR (to be read) pile that is currently out of control due to Christmas gifts and my inability to stop buying books. So, there’s that.

There are a few books that leave me like this. When I say books, I mean series because I’m not sure when the last time I read a stand alone book was.

Book Hangover Authors that I recommend:

  1. Ilona Andrews – of course.
  2. Kresley Cole
  3. Alexis Hall
    • London Calling Series

What are your book hangover authors?