Round Up

Here’s your weekly round up.

  1. Halloween was last week and it went well. We have a shit-ton of candy in the house, both left over and then what she got going around the neighborhood. She got 4 full size candy bars and now I feel like we’re slacking on the halloween scale for my neighborhood. I’m not ashamed to say that the entire family dressed up as Care Bears. My daughter even got a costume change for school the next day; someone from the Descendants.

It rained for most of trick-or-treating and we had been outside which means that those costumes got soaked. we hungthem up onn our closet doors and it looks like we murdered a family of Care Bears. I say “looks” because I haven’t taken them down. They’re still there. LOL!

2. Nanowrimo is going . . . meh. I’m getting words down most days but not nearly close to the 1667 per day average you need to meet that goal. ARGH! We’ll see how that goes for the rest of the month. I’ll keep you posted.

3. I might have a cover reveal coming in the next month or so for Infinite Azure, the ninth installment in The Blushing Death series. Keep your fingers crossed.

4. Since it’s November, we’ve now offiially moved into the holiday season. You might be thinking, wait . . . but Thanksgiving. Don’t forget about Thanksgiving. I’m not. Trust me. I have a load of baking to do for Thanksgiving. But my in-laws combine Thanksgiving and Christmas into Thanksmas and there are presents to buy, wrap, and give which shifts Christmas into a two month long holiday. I’m not sad about it. I LOVE Christmas time. Beside my Birthday, Christmas is one of my favorite days of the year.

Welp, that about covers it. See you next week.

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